Mailing Address

Asylhilfe Bern
Postfach 4034
3604 Thun


Mobile 076 700 49 40

Bank account details

PC-Konto: 46-102802-4
IBAN: CH50 0900 0000 4610 2802 4

How to reach us

You can contact us by e-mail or phone. Please leave a message with your name and phone number. We will call back as soon as possible in order to arrange an appointment.


Susanne Sadri, LL.M. lic. iur.

Asylhilfe Bern

Asylhilfe Bern advises asylum seekers and migrants of all nations in Switzerland. We offer a competent, low-threshold service. Asylhilfe Bern covers a broad spectrum of judical, economic, sociological and intercultural knowledge. We are a non-profit association, independent from the government. We belong to the legal services network for asylum seekers of the ‘Schweizerische Flüchtlingshilfe SFH’.

Legal service

Our service focuses on asylum law. We draft appeals as well as pleas of reconsideration and revision. We are also qualified for other requests concerning labour, health, residence permit status or translations.
We mediate in case of conflicts with public authorities.
We maintain contacts with different institutions. If necessary we refer help seeking persons to them.

We offer our services in German, English and Persian. In addition a network of experienced translators is at our disposal.